September 3, 2014


Hello dear blog friends!

At long last I feel like I am making some progress. We've made progress adjusting to the presence of a little babe in our family and in our home. And he in turn has made some progress with being in this world. Right now as I type he is contentedly talking and kicking on a blanket on the floor separate from me. This is progress!

The past two nights he has slept 9 hours straight which means I have slept 8 hours straight for the first time in close to a year. The first time it happened I woke up feeling so very happy it was amazing. Sleep is amazing! This is progress!

And, as you can see from the photo above, I am making progress on middle child's quilt. I actually sewed together the green band in the two days between my official due date and baby's debut. This may have been a bit of a mistake as the sewing is a bit off (I probably couldn't reach very well!) but I am determined to make it work. I am part-way through sewing the blue together. Then the quilt top will be done! More progress!

I am going to try to pop in and write some more but it will probably take me a while to get consistent again. I fear I won't have too much to write about quite yet. But still, I am making progress. Smile.


  1. Welcome back! I love the picture with Natalie admiring the quilt - it looks beautiful!

  2. Thank you! I fear that the most fun part is about over: the quilt top. I do have an exciting idea for the back though.
