April 22, 2013

In honor of a crafty pioneer

Here's a photo of my Great-Grandmother Sonja Clark. Fortunately, I do remember her although I was still in elementary school when she died. This photo was taken in 1976 which is before I was born but in it she looks exactly as I remember her.

I am lucky enough to sew on her machine and hang her crewel pieces on the walls of my sunroom, living room, nursery, and hall. As a child I played with a stuffed elephant (denim), two stuffed hippos (corduroy), and a stuffed pony (cotton with yarn hair) all crafted by her. When I went to my grandma's house and played with my mom's old Barbies I got to dress them in sparkly evening gowns that were sewn by this very same lady. I am so impressed with her!

In this photo you can see a collection of her creations:

I know my mom still has some of those stuffed animals. I might just have to welcome a few into my home. I am especially amused by the hippos! Who sets out to sew one of those!

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