March 10, 2010

Kitchen makeover: curtains

I love the hardware that I currently have. One of the very first things I did when we moved in was to replace all the cabinet knobs to match. The current "curtains" are made up of three squares of fabric folded in half, which many people like and have complimented.

So my quest has been to find the perfect fabric. I have been working on compiling a blog post of all the options I have considered, with none of them being quite right. In fact, I have a folder labeled "fabric" that bookmarks to 25 different fabric websites! One of them being Spoonflower, a site where you can have your very own design printed.

Then it happened. I found it. Just yesterday. The lovely delicious line of fabrics in just the right colors featuring sassy bold red poppies. I was so happy! I already ordered some!


  1. Wow! Its perfect! I love it! Are you still doing the teal paint? Seeing as I cant sew and hate to paint I could babysit?!

  2. That would be a perfect contribution to my summer project! We're going to patch and paint the ceiling, paint the walls, and probably refresh the cabinets and trim... all of which might be easier to do sans toddler!!
